

Ricky Slaughter wrote:

> When pressed for the cause of his PD they have said:*probably* trauma induced.

To the group:

But in light of previous postings, might it be that he was given Demerol
at the time of the trauma? Health-care workers seeing a pain-reliever
might well administer Demerol. If indeed a Demerol-Eldeprel interaction
took place, it might indeed be the cause of the subsequent PD.

Food-drug and drug-drug interactions are my personal soapbox, however,
and I tend to jump on it at the slightest provocation. As a registered
dietitian, I've seen too many people misdiagnosed with Alzheimer's and
Parkinson's who were deficient in B12 or using powerful drug
combinations. So I might not be completely objective!

Best regards,