

I just had a very unsatisfying discussion regarding the Udall Bill
 with Richard Ford of Sen. Pat Moynihan's office.  FYI - Moynihan is
 undeclared on the bill.

Ford (and I assume Moynihan) was not particularly interested in the
 plight of PDers, nor the opportunities for near term  medical
 breakthroughs, nor research funding inequities, etc.

He saw the issues as follows:

1. Will Kassebaum's committee send  the Udall bill to the Senate floor?
 Why or why not? I got the sense he was testing whether Moynihan would
 have to adopt a public position.

2. No funding bills will clear the Senate unless they will help elect
 Bob Dole and that everyone had to lobby Dole. He claimed Moynihan is
 not on the right committees, is powerless, and we are in a woeful
 situation. This certainly wasn't a helpful attitude  -  here I am a
 powerless US Senator - don't blame me.

YUK! It sure would help if Senators took positions on things they believed in!
Come on NY-ers.  Let's smack this guy into hearing us.  Afterall, if
 there are 1-1.5M diagnosed PDers, their affected circle of voters is
 8-10M counting spouses, caregivers, family, friends... And this is a
 lot of votes!

You can reach Dick Ford at  202-244-4451, M-F 10-6

Maybe we should try someone else as well... like Nancy Kassebaum