

Yes, Robert -- please do tell about:

>Subject:       painful curling toes
 For last two years I have developed walking problem.The little toe and next

toe curl under causing painful corns or sores. If any one else has
experienced this minor but crippling effect-let me know and I will share
details of a practical partial solution I stumbled on. Warmest regards
[log in to unmask] >

Not too long ago, a shoe sales-person remarked that I had "hammer toes" and
that PD sufferers often have "that problem". Finally, I had a name for that
painful, ugly build-up of tissue under my toe-nails. Hammer-toes  --  WOW,
pictures of old ladies' boxy shoes flashed before my eyes. I've been wearing

my husband's old, streched out shoes and welcomed spring and open-toed shoes

with an extra special relief.
Eagerly waiting for even a "partial solution",
Margaret Tuchman (54, dx-1980)