

Subject: Jim Cordy--Man of the Year!

I can not tell you how impressed I am with the effort (AND RESULTS) put
forth and obtained by Jim Cordy. If he is not an inspiration to us all,
he should be. I, fortunately, do not have Parkinson's disease, but have
been an active professional lobbiest, for medical research for nearly 20
serve as the Washington Counsel for the National Parkinson's Foundation).
I've seen efforts succeed and fail; I have been professionally
pessimistic about the chances of the Udall Bill succeeding. But following
and working with Jim Cordy...a full time volunteer...over these past
months, I have become converted. I cannot improve upon the advice he is
giving you. It's sound, proven, and passionate. If, the Udall Bill does
not pass this Congress, we will not have failed, but only stumbled. We
shall pick ourselves up again, as many of you are accustomed to, and move
on to victory. I wish us all the best of luck and success.

Larry Hoffheimer
1250 24th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 466-0577
(202) 466-0585 (fax)

Larry Hoffheimer
1250 24th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 466-0577
(202) 466-0585 (fax)