

Francesca and I must be sharing the same brain waves... Recently, my
mother-in-law (diagnosed approx. 1 year ago) was told by her PD physician
that the symptoms she's experiencing are _CAUSED_ by the PD medications. I
guess that begs the question, (and it's probably an un-answerable question,
depending on the individual and his/her specific case) what would happen if
an individual, on being diagnosed with PD simply didn't follow the
pharmaceutical regimen prescribed and took no medications whatever that
dealt with PD. Faster progression? No change? Different symptoms?

Thank you for your thoughts and responses. This group has been of
immeasurable help and support!!!

                          Frank A. Nagy
                       Scottsdale, AZ, USA
                          [log in to unmask]
     Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority,
                       it's time to reform.
                         -- Mark Twain --