

On Wed, 1 May 1996, gordon seese wrote:

>         There is an episode of NOVA that features the Frozen Addicts, though
> I do not know how you would find it..from mrs. Gordon
The NOVA programs on the Frozen Addicts feature Dr. William Langston who
is now director of the Parkinson Institute (1170 Morse Ave.  Sunnyvale,
CA 94089-1605, tel 408 734 2800.)  The first NOVA tape details the
detective work that led to the identification of a chemical substance,
MPTP, contaminating designer heroin and leading to instant parkinsonism.
The second program  followed up the cohort of victims with an emphasis on
their treatment with a fetal implant.  The two tapes were (and possibly
still are) available at the Parkinson Institute at about $20 each.

Th tapes are very interesting and upbeat.
