

Dear People:

 I need a quick "reality check".  Would you mind responding to a mini
survey? Please answer the following:
1. total #hrs awake
2. total #hrs nap during day
3. total #hrs un-interrupted sleep during night
4. total #hrs "on" on a good day
5. total #hrs "on" on a bad day
6. average length of time for meds. to kick in
7. when in an "off" period, do you persist and attempt to remain "active"
(that sure makes me laugh, if only my mask would permit it)or do you relax
and wait it out?
8. what is the most prevalent emotion you have when having a BAD day?
My responses are:
1. 18-20
2. 0
3. 4-6
4. 9
5. 4
6. 60 minutes
7. yes, I push myself. I am not sure why? I do feel restless, even when
8. Frustration-anger
Thanks for listening, I already feel better! If there are responses, I will
post results.
Margaret Tuchman (54yrs., dx 1980, sinemet 9x25/100, permax 5x.25mg)