

Like a number of others on this list, I have found that protein seriously
interferes with the action of Sinemet. I have got around this by avoiding
protein during the day and having a more normal meal late at night.

I noticed that dairy products seemed to cause most difficulty - milk seems to
cause the PD symptoms to appear very rapidly - it seems to be something more
than an interference with absorption of sinemet into the blood stream.  I have
found that I do not get the same problem if I drink soya milk even though,
according to the label, soya milk has more protein than cows milk.  I have also
tried eating Roquefort cheese which is made from sheeps milk and this does not
appear to affect the action of sinemet.

Am I alone in having these difficulties in digesting cow's milk or is this a
common problem?

Nigel Cockle  51/12