

I spoke to Senator Wellstone as he left the Udall awards dinner
several weeks ago.  One of the symptoms of my Parkinson's is a
tendency to become emotional at a significantly lower threshold.  So
it was an emotional plea I delivered to him.  My question was "what
can we do to pass the Udall Bill?"his initial response was we had to
little time this legislative session.  But, upon further discussion he
promised to speak to Senator Hatfield and see what was necessary to do
to get this bill passed.  He put his arm around my shoulder and said
"I'll bring it to the Senate floor myself if necessary".

Yesterday he called me at home and said he had talk to Hatfield and
they had agreed to assembled those interested in passing this bill so
as to devise a strategy.  I am greatly encourage by his actions.  How
many times has a politician said he'd call and you never hear from
him?  In this case he isn't even my Senator.

I'm off to Washington D.C. Sunday to attend the PAN Forum.  While
there I have appointment to see Dole's office, Gingerich, Congressman
 Flannigan from Chicago, Congressman Gankse and Coburn (the two
physicians on the House subcommittee that has the Udall Bill)  and
I've promised to go with advocates from Indiana and Alabama to see
some of their Congressmen.  Trust that I will carry our message loud
and clear.

I am optimistic that we can pass this bill.  It seems we can see the
light on the Senate side.  On the House side it will be a struggle but
it is easier to see a Congressman than a Senator.  IF ONE PERSON WITH
UDALL BILL.  we have a compelling story that is difficult to say  no
to when presented personally.  The key element of that story is a cure
is on the horizon.