

Daniella -

My father-in-law, Bud, (75/8) complained of being dizzy and feeling or hearing
a buzzing sound in his head a month or two ago.  He receives ECT every 10
days to 2 weeks, and we could not specifically link it with those treatment
sessions.  He has not mentioned it in a while, so I assume it passed.

Also, for those who have been discussing possible catalysts for PD, Bud
spent a good deal of his free time in the garage or basement working with old
furniture.  Many hours were spent inhaling stripper, varnish, and other fumes.
He was an elementary school teacher, so another possible cause is being
responsible for 30 youngsters every year for 33 years!

My in-laws expect to return to Long Island in a few weeks, so changes are on
the way.
