

>I am new to the list, as my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's about a
>year ago at age 73.  I have a question about his behavior.  He has never
>been the most reasonable person around, however lately my mother has
>noticed that he has been acting very unreasonable lately.  For instance,
>one of my cousins, her brother's daughter, died recently and she wanted to
>travel from Ohio to New York to attend the funeral.  My father didn't want
>her to go.  He finally made the comment that she would do anything to get
>out of the house.
>Does Parkinson's affect the mind in this manner?  I live next door to
>them, so he shouldn't fear being left alone.  Any information would be
Gosh this sounds familiar.
My father has PD.  When my grandmother was in her last months of cancer, my
parents went to Italy.  In Italy it is up to the family to take care of the
patients feeding and cleaning.  My mother being the only daughter, of course
was devestated at seeing her mother slowly die.  My father, still in the
early stages of PD, insisted that she remain with him and not go to the
hospital so often.  He became so jealous that one day he packed up and
returned to Canada.

My father used to be the most kind, quiet and selfless man.  Now he is
paranoid and posessive.  As his body becomes weaker, his mind seems to want
to protect him.
