

Bob Martone--that was a super report of the PAN/DC experience--I hope you
will publish it somewhere where others in the PD community can read it!
Our thanks to all the valiant "warriors" and especially to Bob and Joan,
for hanging in there.
We continue to plague our Rep. John Boehner, who is pretty obstinate--I
think he must shudder when he sees my name on a letter :-)  And I'll
    quote your points about the Baby Boomers and costs,etc, if I may....
in next week's epistle.
We are grateful that our 2 Ohio Senators, Glenn and (finally!)DeWine
have signed on--especially as DeWine is on Kassebaum's committee. And
the Udall bill was plugged  (a  little) on the Donahue PD show on Friday.
For those who missed it, it featured fetal tissue inplantation and deep
brain stim, not pallidotomy and no mention of meds used. Drs.Lieberman
& Koller were there, with 2 patients who had had those procedures.And
there were a number of Parkies in the audience,and good questions asked.
Couldn't do any harm right now!
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78/6+ Oxford,OH
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