

can I believe my eyes?  Are you from Kansas?  We desperately need to
influence both Kassebaum and Dole.  Having just been in Washington
D.C. with Mo Udall's son Brad, I heard a lot of Mo stories.  One that
I like best is "I didn't always see the light, but I felt the heat".
We need to make sure that Kassebaum  and Dole as well as the four
Kansas Congressman have been given ample opportunity to cosponsor the
Udall Bill.

The most effective way to promote the Udall Bill is to personally
visit your elected officials.  We clearly demonstrated last week the
position I have long held.  If one person with Parkinson's visits
every Congressman, we will easily pass the Udall Bill.

The unofficial cosponsor tally is 180 Congressman and 39 Senators.
People who didn't feel we had a chance are now beginning to believe.
The numbers themselves are beginning to encourage people to jump on
to our band wagon.  The next six to 8 weeks is critical.  If you
can't visit your Senator or Congressman, write or call their office.
I believe that everyone who has Parkinson's should write one letter a
 day for the next six weeks.  If you don't help yourself, no one else

Send  me your address and phone number by private E-Mail and I will
write and/or call.  Also we are trying to identify people for the
national phone tree.  We need ten people in every congressional
district.  Please send names and addresses and phone numbers via