

I'd be doing the samething if I took that combination of medications.  I
also have Asthma & PD.
Theodur has a caffine base--I can't drink or take ANYTHING with caffine in
it & PROVENTIL makes
me have seizures.  In fact, I was undiagnosed for several years,as no one
saw my seizures except
DH & myself.  I had an Asthma attack in the Doctor's office and he me do
PROVENTIL as an inhalant.
Boy, did I scare him . It didn't do too much for me either, but it certainly
proved my seizures!!!!
Within a week my Neurologists came to a clinical diagnosis, which is how
most PD is diagnosed

You need to RUN back to those Neurologists and have a very serious
discussion about
drug interactions!!
Please keep in touch. Good Luck!!!!

As Ever,
Marjorie L. Moorefield

>I am a new subscriber.  My husband was diagnosed with PD about 6 yrs ago.
>He is now 71.  I am the 24 hour caregiver.
>My husband has been under the care of a local neurologist since he was first
>diagnosed, and he has also been evaluated at Stanford .5 visits over several
>months, and since January, I have been taking him to Loma Linda to the
>movement disorder team.
>After the PD started, he slowly developed Dementia.  This has become my
>biggest problem, since he walks all night, getting into things and generally
>making a mess and making lots of noise.  Loma Linda put him on Hydergine,
>which has helped his dementia a great deal during the daytime.  He seems to
>be a different person, at night, once he has slept even for a very short
>The doctors have tried a number of medications to make him sleep, but with
>no success.  Some I can remember are Haldol, Zoloft, Risperdal.  He jumps,
>talks loudly, and is in general, worse than he is without the med.
>He takes Sinemet 25/100 3 times daily, Hydergine 15 mg daily, Theodur and
>Proventil tabs for asthma, B-6, B complex and a banana every night.
>I would be interested in any information about patients that have had the
>pallidotomy, and if they had previously had sleep disorder, did the surgery
>help the sleep problem?
>Dona Ballard([log in to unmask])
As Ever,
Marjorie L. Moorefield
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