

                                 RTK.NET Mail 150333   May 13 12:52:39 1996

Yes, we definitely need all of you, especially if any of your own
representatives are not yet cosponsors, if other members of your states
delegations are not cosponsors, or if your already cosponsoring rep's
serve on important committees and can help get the bill moving.

These next two months are likely the two most crucial, so call PAN today
and let Michael know what you are willing to do and what information you
need:  (707) 544-1994 or 800-850-4726.  The biggest impact is had by
going to meet personally with your representative or their legislative
assistant.  Call PAN and let them know of your interest, and they will
hopefully be able to connect with others in your state.  In *many* areas,
no one from the representatives' constituent base has taken this step.

Letters and calls are also important, especially if you keep up the effort,
rather than just sending a note and hoping they listen.  One way contact
with PAN and/or the activists on this list can most help you is to answer
your questions when you get an unacceptable response to your early contacts.

Another tactic begun at this year's forum was to get people who couldn't
make it to D.C. to ask their rep's to make an appointment with PAN forum
participants, in effect asking their rep. to allow some of us to meet with
him or her on their behalf.  If anyone in your state's delegation is on
an Appropriations, Senate Labor and Human Resources, or House Commerce
one of the most experienced activists would likely be very happy to do this
if you feel making a personal visit on your own would be too overwhelming.

When I first got started, I sort of assumed their were lots of people in my
state already working on this issue and was afraid of repeating their efforts
but in most areas there has not been consistent efforts made throughout
the state.  If there has, you probably have lots of cosponsors already, but
even the most active people, like Jim and Deborah Cordy in western
Pennsylvania, still
know of nearby rep's who need more visits and follow-up work.

Make those calls today, or let the list know what you need.

Sherri Cave
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