

Sorry I have to send this to all on the list but I still don't know how
to locate all the Texans on the list so those not in Texas please

Attached is a Directory of all Texas Congressmen and our two Senators.
Please use the Phone numbers to call your representatives and ask them
to co-sponsor the Udall bill or if they are all ready a co-sponsor take
the time to call and thank them. When you call ask for either the rep
or the Health Aide and then convey your message. After you make your
call please E-Mail me, or the list or call at 713-358-5168 and leave
your message.
Bob Martone [log in to unmask]
                                                Washington                                              Udall   Local Office
District.       Name                    Party   Spons.  Telephone Numbers       --------        ---------------
--------------- -----   --------        --------------------------------------
All     " Gramm, Phil"          (R)     No      (202) 224-2934
                                                                Dallas - (214) 767-3000;

                                   San Antonio (210)366-9494;

                            Houston - (713) 229-2766;                                           Tyler -
(903) 593-0902
All     " Hutchison, Kay B"             (R)     No      (202) 224-5922                                                  Houston - (713)
653-3456; District                                              Austin - (512) 482-5834;        ----------                                              Dallas
- (214) 767-0577
7       "Archer, Bill"          (R)     No      (202) 225-2571                                                  Houston - (713) 467-7493
26      "Armey, Richard K."             (R)     No      (202) 225-7772                                                  Irving - (214) 556-
6       "Barton, Joe"           (R)     No      (202) 225-2002                                                  "Ft. Worth - (817) 543-
1000,                                           Ennis -         (same)"
25      "Bentsen, Ken"          (D)     Yes     (202) 225-7508                                                  Houston - (713) 229-
23      "Bonilla, Henry"                (R)     No      (202) 225-4511                                                  Laredo - (210) 726-
4682;                                                    San Antonio - (210) 697-9055;                                          Del Rio - (210) 774-
5       "Bryant, John"          (D)     Yes     (202) 225-2231                                                  Dallas - (214) 767-6554
1       "Chapman Jr., Jim"              (D)     No      (202) 225-3035                                                  Sulphur Springs -
                                                (903)885-8682;                                                  Marshall -(903) 938-8386;                                                        New Boston
- (903) 628-5594
16      "Coleman, Ronald ."             (D)     No      (202) 225-4831                                                  El Paso - (915) 534-
19      "Combest, Larry"                (R)     No      (202) 225-4005                                                  Lubbock - (806) 763-
1611;                                           Amarillo -      (806) 353-3945;                                                 Odessa - (915) 362- 2631
15      "de la Garza, E. (Kika)"        (D)     No      (202) 225-2531                                                  McAllen - (210)
682-5545;                                               Alice -  (512) 664-2215
22      "DeLay, Tom"            (R)     No      (202) 225-5951                                                  Stafford - (713) 240-3700
10      "Doggett, Lloyd"                (D)     No      (202) 225-4865                                                  Austin - (512) 482-
11      "Edwards, Chet"         (D)     No      (202) 225-6105                                                  Waco - (817) 752-9600
8       "Fields, Jack M."               (R)     Yes     (202) 225-4901                                                  Humble - (713) 540-
8000;                                           Conroe -        (409) 756-8044;                                                 CollegeStation-(409) 846-
24      "Frost, Martin "                (D)     Yes     (202) 225-3605                                                  Ft. Worth - (817) 293-
9231;                                           Dallas -        (214) 948-3401
12      "Geren, Pete "          (D)     No      (202) 225-5071                                                  Ft. Worth - (817) 338-
20      "Gonzalez, Henry B."    (D)     No      (202) 225-3236                                                  San Antonio - (210)
29      "Green, Gene"           (D)     No      (202) 225-1688                                                  Houston - (713) 880-4364
4       "Hall, Ralph M."                (D)     Yes     (202) 225-6673                                                  Rockwall - (214) 771-
9118;                                           Sherman         - (903) 892-1112;                                               Tyler - (903) 597- 3729
18      "Jackson Lee, Sheila"   (D)     Yes     (202) 225-3816                                                  Houston - (713)
30      "Johnson, Eddie Bernice"        (D)     No      (202) 225-8885                                                  Dallas - (214)
3       "Johnson, Sam"          (R)     No      (202) 225-4201                                                  Dallas - (214) 739-0182;
                                        Plano - (214) 423-2017
14      "Laughlin, Greg"                (D)     Yes     (202) 225-2831                                                  Victoria - (512) 576-
1231; San                                               Marcos - (512) 396-1400;                                                         West Colmbia - (409)345-
27      "Ortiz, Solomon P."             (D)     No      (202) 225-7742                                                  Corpus Christi-(512)
883-5868;                                               Brownsville - (210) 541-1243
21      "Smith, Lamar S."               (R)     No      (202) 225-4236                                                  San Antonio - (210)
821-5024;                                               Midland - (915) 687-5232;                                               Round Rock - (512) 218-
17      "Stenholm, Charles"     (D)     No      (202) 225-6605                                                  Stamford - (915) 773-
3623;                                           Abilene -       (915) 673-7221;                                                  San Angelo - (915)655-
9       "Stockman, Steve"               (R)     No      (202) 225-6565                                                  Beaumont - (409) 839-
2508;                                           Galveston - (409) 766-3608
28      "Tejeda, Frank"         (D)     No      (202) 225-1640                                                  San Antonio - (210) 924-
13      "Thornberry, William M."        (R)     No      (202) 225-3706                                                  Amarillo - (806)
371-8844;                                               Witchita Falls - (817) 767-0541
2       "Wilson, Charles"               (D)     No      (202) 225-2401                                                  Lufkin - (409) 637-