

Re: Clordane--this is powerful stuff! Before it was banned, it was used
to termite-proof a house we were just moving out of. The fumes were
so bad, and I was apparently allergic to them, that I went to our newhouse and
slept there for a feew nights, while Peter (who now has the PD) stayed in
the oldplace, as he was_apparently_not bothered by them.  This was in about
1964, and he was Dxed in 1989--but had had many symptoms which now seem to have
been precursors of PD for some 15 yrs. earlier (at least) He also used toxic
chemicals in the garden, but can't recall which   ones.  Ironic, if the
allergy and swollen nose kept me safe, and it should turn out that clordane
was actually some sort of"trigger"for PD....I wonder if someday the
researchers will discover WHY one person  gets ONE type of PD, say with
much tremor , while another gets the type with little or no tremor, but
bradykinesia and rigidity(and maybe also cognitive losses)--are there
different triggers/genetic predispositions for different versions???
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78/6+ Oxford,OH<[log in to unmask]>