

>Re:  Bill and Bobbie Cotter's posting on the Vucanovich letter:
>I am a caregiver, not a patient.  I do not know the agony personally.  For
>various reasons, I am quite familiar with the impact of abortion and I strongly
>believe that all actions that would encourage, justify, or condone abortions
>should be halted.
>I mean no offense, and feel no anger.  Please understand there are deep
>foundations to concerns about the use of fetal tissue.  As one of the members
>of the listserv often signs,
Hi Keith,

Everyone has to live with their own conscious.  Personally a fetal implant
won't help me, nor EVERYONE  with neurological problems, not even ALL of
 those with straight out Parkinson's Disease. But that isn't all that the
NIH is doing research into and right now FETAL IMPLANTS  is the best we have
been offered.
That is why this money is so important!

For some unknown reason , at least to me, people get hung up on fetal
implants and do not FINISH reading what else is being researched. Also  how
else the money is being used.

If a fetal implant will help ANYONE, then I for one am all for it!!!  People
have had abortions for generations, and will continue to have them, if it's
or illegal.--I'm not their judge--however, if that
fetus can be use to some good purpose maybe it was not all in vain.
I'm not GOD ,but a PD sufferer.
One thing I can tell you for certain, from experience, is about the thrid time
you get up in the night and try to walk into the bathroom by yourself and fall
flat on your face---you begin to have second thoughts about a  MUILTITUDE
My husband, who does not have PD, but has a great sense of hitting the nail
on the head, has a saying that goes something like this.

"When some one discards something to the trash pile
  and I can use it, I'm gonna!!!"

Blessing to all,
As Ever,
Marjorie L. Moorefield
just another librarian
As Ever,
Marjorie L. Moorefield
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