

        Glad to see you are backfrom vacation.
        Re: fetal transplant tissue.The tissue must be from early on--very
early - and  that is the problem. The ordinary spontaneous abortion tissue
will not do, usually too far along and besids there was something wrong in
the first place. It is a ticklish subject. The Swedes worked it out. In the
film about the frozen addicts, Dr. Langston took those foolish young people
to sweden for the transplantoff to Doctor-Gord gets his stitch out today.
         He broke out in an exzema attack six weeks before the surgery. I
laughily said it would go away the day after. Dr. Holst will not believe his
eyes. It did go away. Suppose the Pharmacy will give me a refun on half a
tube of $64.00 goop????