

                                 RTK.NET Mail 154992   May 17 23:10:46 1996

I hope to get the time to post a fuller response to concerns raised on this
list, and hopefully they will help you create a response letter.  For now,
I would suggest a call to Vucanovich's office telling her you are getting
more information together to address her concerns, but suggest that she
contact the office of one of the Udall bill cosponsors who strongly oppose
abortion, such as Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey (Smith is, in
fact, seen by many as a man to follow if you want to have a clearly pro-life
voting record).  Rep. Smith's D.C. office number is (202) 225-3765.  When
I have spoken with anyone with concerns about fetal tissue research (not
many, I've mainly got liberals in MD), a mention of Smith's name usually
gets them to realize their objection may not be valid.

The fastest way to work this is probably to call Vucanovich's LA for health
in D.C., ask her if she'll call Smith's L.A. for health and relay the info.
to Congresswoman Vucanovich ASAP.  Before hanging up, find out when you
should call back to see what she thinks in light of this new information.

Good luck!

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