

Just read your post on the Sinemet holiday you took.  My neurologist thinks
my Sinemet CR may be contributing to my nausea this last week.  I've taken
less, one-half Sinemet CR, 50/200 at seven a.m. and the other half at12:30.
then half at five or six o'clock.  I'm still feeling sick and very
dizzy/light-headed.  Would you recommend a test of even less Sinemet with
what you experienced?  The Sinemet CR has lessened my tremor and gotten rid
of some stiffness but this stomach problem is tough too.
I hate this stuff(PD), I know---all I can change is my attitude towards it.
 Well, I hate it.  I'm trying but I seem to have a bad attitude.
Patricia    59,one year plus
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