


Please don't feel you have a "bad attitude" about having PD and being angry
that you're forced to play unwilling host to it.  To ME, a "bad attitude"
would be a passive acceptance of all of the misery the disease heaps on us.

I suspect that it's anger that keeps some of us going.  It's anger that causes
us to get ot there and push for the Udall Bill.  It's anger that drives a
person with PD to have someone drill a hole in their skull and fry a bit of
their brain (ok... so it didn't hurt at all... but nonetheless having a
pallidotomy ain't like going to a Sunday school picnic!).   Anger causes us to
take some really viscious drugs to beat this "thang," and to seek relief, if
not a cure, in places we've never even heard of before and often cannot even

A "good attitude" is NOT accepting this disease and anger IS having a "good
attitude"  when it comes too Parkinson's Disease!

Barb Mallut
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From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of [log in to unmask]
Sent:   Friday, May 17, 1996 7:43 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Doses of Pergolide

Just read your post on the Sinemet holiday you took.  My neurologist thinks
my Sinemet CR may be contributing to my nausea this last week.  I've taken
less, one-half Sinemet CR, 50/200 at seven a.m. and the other half at12:30.
then half at five or six o'clock.  I'm still feeling sick and very
dizzy/light-headed.  Would you recommend a test of even less Sinemet with
what you experienced?  The Sinemet CR has lessened my tremor and gotten rid
of some stiffness but this stomach problem is tough too.
I hate this stuff(PD), I know---all I can change is my attitude towards it.
 Well, I hate it.  I'm trying but I seem to have a bad attitude.
Patricia    59,one year plus
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