

The most beautiful part of this listserve is that most of you are my age or
older & I don't have to spend half my life explaining what I mean, cause you
can all remember it as well as I can--we just can't remember what we ate
for dinner last night!!!!!  Right???

Anyway,  You all remember back in the 50's or early 60's there was a
 public service commercial  about :
"Mental Retardation strikes every 8 seconds"  or something like that!
My question is --Has anyone ever figured how often PD strikes?  Let's
figure it for the world now--not just the U.S.!!!
How wild an idea is it to see if we could get a public service announcement
on TV (who watches T.V. since email)? Maybe during the week the Udall Bill
comes to vote???  Get it put on Internet???   Just a thought!!!

BTW, I tried to download how the Udall Bill was doing.  The history of it, and
my Netscape keeps telling me I'm trying to download material in a language
it doesn't understand (MIME)  tells me I need version 2.0 at least---well,
I have version 2.02 & it still doesn't recognize it!!!
If anyone understand EXACTLY what Netscape wants, please email me personally,
and enlighten me.
Netscape will NEVER do Microsoft in---at least not in my books!!!
Tomorrow I will enter  my computer acronyms for all of you!
Then I have to go back to work, sniff. sniff  It was nice to be off 3 days in a
row, even if I had to work 6 days in a row to accomplish it!!!
Goodnight to all of you in the U.S. & Goodmorning to those of you just
getting up!


Some days even my lucky Rocketship underpant don't work>>>>>CALVIN

Blessings to all,
Marjorie L. Moorefield
just another librarain
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