

We are interested  in learning about face lifts done on Parkinson's
patients. (My wife is a 2-3 year afflicted Parkinson patient. She
realizes the Parkinson mask she is beginning to experience will worsen
and that a face lift won't fix it. At this point, her face is getting
droopy, not frozen. Her neurologist has no knowledge of this area.

Do you know of any docs who have experience in doing face lifts (or
literature) on Parkinsonians? Our questions are: 1) Does a face lift
achieve some improvement? 2)If so, to what degree and for what period of
time?  3)Is it recommended for a relatively young patient (40)? 4) If you
don't know, to whom would you recommend I address this inquiry?
5) Is there a list serve of docs who work with Parkinson's that we could
subscribe to? 6)Is there a Parkinson's scientific  journal(s)  (not just
a general neurology journal) that publishes research we could subscribe

We are already on the mailing list for the APDA, National Parkinson
Foundation and the PDF, but we want to  keep up to date  on scholarly,
scientific, peer reviewed studies, not just layman's literature.

Thank you for your help.
