

This is inspired by a previous comment by Kees Paap and the other YOPDers in
Denmark a while back:


"To Hell with PD!"

The battle cry of those
Who long to be free
>From that which is known as
Parkinson's Disease
It robs one of the ability
To move with grace and ease
Replacing them instead with
Shaking and rigidity
Commonly known as that
Which affects the elderly
It also happens to affect
Those in younger bodies

Genetics seems to be in vogue
As the focus of many studies
Bringing much attention
As well as research monies
This fails, however, to explain
Why in "PD families"
With each new generation
The onset age decreases
Nor does it explain other
Important missing pieces
Like why overall it seems
The total numbers increase

How long will it take before
All this madness ceases
And a harder look is taken
At that which underlies diseases
I may or may not have a gene
To blame for causing my PD
But should I have, then I must ask
Why no one else in my family?
Perhaps someone was a victim
Way back in the family tree
More than likely they weren't so
Until very much older than me

Toxic exposures must be at fault
For triggering these things early
Genes simply determine whether
It's cancer or aging prematurely
Toxins can accelerate aging
And alter one's DNA
Who's to say my "PD gene" wasn't
Perhaps created along the way?
I'm not interested in whether
I might've gotten it ONE DAY
I'd rather know the reason why
I've got to deal with it TODAY!!

"To HELL with PD!"

Wendy Tebay