

Margaret Tuchman wrote:
> To: Barbara Blake Krebs and Robert Howard,
> You each write about >>throat/mouth/jaw/neck pain......>>
> > My wife,76/10+, has had this symptom for about 4 years, and it is probably
> the mosy
> >distressing of all of her problems. The literature is silent about such
> >pain, and it is not supposed to be a part of PD, which is a motor, not a
> >sensory disorder.
> CONCLUSIONS--Parkinson's  disease affects the central programming of
> functionally related muscles involved in voluntary and rhythmic jaw
> movements and levodopa replacement influences only certain aspects of jaw
> movement, most likely those requiring sensory feedback.
> Language of Publication>English
> >Unique Identifier</>
> 96151176<<Levodopa
> Regards,
> Margaret Tuchman

May I recommend you try biofeedback for this condition? Many insurance
companies now cover biofeedback for a number of conditions, and
Medicare also will cover biofeedback for several conditions. Though I
don't know of research on biofeedback/PD, it has proven amazingly
successful at treating stress-related disease, tension, high blood
pressure, chronic pain, immune system dysfunctions, incontinence, and
many other functions. I recommend it to my clients, because most chronic
disease is either derived from stress to some extent, or else
contributes to stress--both for the sufferer, and for the caregiver.
Biofeedback can help reduce or eliminate the amount of some medications
(in the case of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, use of aspirin,
Tylenol, and other pain relievers). And, as I've said before, reduction
of medications is all to the good!
Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Spotlight on Food--nutrition news for people 60-plus"
Tel: 970-493-6532   Fax: 970-493-6538
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