

Friends,                                         Sunday afternoon, 5:30

Thank you ALL for your support last week, as I readied myself to present the
Udall Bill resolution, which passed with a standing ovation, and is now an
OFFICIAL platform plank of the Maine Democratic Party.
    I particularly want to thank Joyce, who took time to congratulate me
right after her pallidotomy in Toronto!

Here are a few observations about tactics that may have contributed to my
1) I contacted the APDA, in New York, which sent me 1000 FLYERS on the Udall
bill.  Two friends and several teenage convention pages distributed these to
delegates before the vote took place.
2) I went to a local print-shop and had 400 NO PARKINSON'S PINS made up.
 These were given away to delegates and guests at every opportunity.
3) I made a pre-convention presentation to the Platform Committee.  Their
20-0 vote in favor of my plank being added to the platform was read by the
House majority leader, from the podium, just before my sponsor's presentation
and debate began.
4)I wore NO candidate's pins at any point, so that I would not come into
conflict with Udall supporters who might prefer other candidates to mine.
5) I wore the two Parkinson's T-SHIRTS I have, at different points throughout
the three-day convention.
6) I included the PAN slogan, "Invisible no More" in my floor speech, and
referred to it often.
7) I found at least four delegates to assist me on stairs, in crowded foyers,
and even lined up a wheelchair .
8) I pinned the "No Parkinson's" pins on my jacket and on my shirt collar,
and on my backpack, so that the message was not missed.  Repetition helps.
9)I gave out the pins to people running information tables, and encouraged
them to wear them while they were operating their own issues and candidate
tables.  They did.
10) In the caucuses where we voted for candidates, I discreetly avoided
obvious shows of favoritism towards even my most favorite candidates.
This  all helped to broaden the message widely.

  It didn't hurt at all that the combination of nervousness and excitement,
when the time actually came for me to speak, caused me to have rapid leg and
arm TREMORS at that precise moment.  A friend of mine said that people were
moved to actual tears near to him, that Hollywood couldn't have done any
I was in control of my voice, but only by speaking very loudly, very slowly,
and by being careful to watch the diction of each and every syllable I
It was a very emotional and unforgettable moment, as the delegates all rose
to their feet, along with the paarty leaders on the podium, to applaud.  I
could baarely stand up, by contrast, and three pages assisted me with the
microphone, and to steady my printed speech, so that it wouldn't rattle as I
spoke, in addition to lifting me up and holding me in a standing position
when we actually had to vote by rising from our seats.

Camilla, I've learned that at the VIRGINIA June 8 Democratic convention, a
Udall resolution is to be presented by Paul Smedberg, a delegate, and the
APDA's Washington office staff member.
I would be interested in knowing if anyone else out there can  present a
Udall plank to a municipal , county  or state convention.  Every bit helps us

   It was exhilarating , even if exhausting , to do what I had to for the
cause.  Let' s not be stopped in our quest for a CURE!!

Ivan Suzman , Portland, Maine ([log in to unmask])

The holly  and the honeysuckle have burst open,
the lilacs are in full bloom and the trees are leafing out.