

For the benefit of new members of the PD list, this is an update about
CARE (Caregivers Are Really Essential),the sublist especially for PD caregivers
  (CGs).  The need for such a list was evident from feelings expressed on the
PD list that there were times when CGs needed to be able to "let off steam "
in a place where this would not upset carepartners  (CPs).  Some of us have
caregiver support groups, where we can safely express feelings, get practical
support, and share experiences--others do not.  The CARE list serves this need,
 but DOES NOT shut off participation by CGs on the mainlist.We operate through
a listserv at Miami University, Oxford,Ohio.  This is a closed list, and CGs
who wish to join may send a request as follows:
                 [log in to unmask]
                 SUBscribe CARE (your first and last names)

Instructions will then be sent to you as to how to proceed, when you have
been added to the list.  List "co-owners" are Jeff Jones and myself.
Welcome aboard!  Questions? email me or Jeff:
        Camilla Flintermann <[log in to unmask]>
        Jeff Jones <[log in to unmask]>