

Jack what you've described is allot!  I always have "good intentions" and can
only carry out a fraction of what's needed. But that's how it works. Thank
you for what you've done -- getting info to the people of Kansas, making the
contacts you have is great! It'll catch on. I'll be calling all the 'NOT
COSIGNERS YET" bunch of Kassabaums' commitee tomorrow through the 'toll-free'
phone  number. I learned through PAN's forum, that anyone in the U.S. can
reach their Senators & Congressmen in Washington D.C. by dialing this number
1-800-        . My calls may not have the impact they would if I were from
the state of each member, but it's still a voice on a national issue that
concerns us all. Regarding Kassabaum, citizens of Kansas have most impact..
that's why every little bit you do is so important. Thanks!
   I'm glad you met Al. Glad to know he's okay - sounds great!
   I've sent a reminder to Mike. In the meantime, I'll gather some notes. The
best stuff though, is what Jim Cordy and Ken Aidekman print on the PARKINSN
LIST. I'll send them a note too. Hang in there, you're doing great!