

Fine Evening to All:
I ran accross this article and thought it was apropos, given the number of
young care-givers who recently joined the group. I wish to extend a warm
welcome to them!

The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition -- May 22, 1996
            Care-Giver Duties Debunk--Generation X Stereotypes

            IF YOU THINK of Generation X as a disaffected
            crowd with tattoos and pierced navels, meet John
            LaVaccare. When his mother fell ill

            with Parkinson and dementia and his father moved out,
            Mr. LaVaccare, then in his
            teens, changed career goals from science to
            business so he could avoid graduate school and
            help care for her.

            He landed a job as an accountant at a Big Six
            firm and lived with friends in Chicago's trendy
            Lincoln Park area. But it was too hard to manage
            his mother's care, so at 23 he moved in with his
            mother in a nearby neighborhood. He missed out
            on the lifestyle of a successful young bachelor.
            But he hung in as a primary caregiver for four
            years, when family members stepped in so he could
            attend medical  school.

            Does he regret the years of sacrifice? No, says
            Mr. LaVaccare, now 30 years old. "I felt helping
            out at home was more important."

            There are a lot more John LaVaccares out there
            than you think. A new study of 1,000 people by
            the National Council on the Aging and John
            Hancock Mutual Life Insurance has surprised
            long-term care experts by showing that 24% of
            people under 32 have provided, or are providing,
            hands-on, long-term care to a family member or
            friend. That compares with 31% of the total
            population who has done so.

            The study matches findings by Maury Hanigan of
            Hanigan Consulting Group, New York
            human-resource consultants, showing "a strong
            sense of family, and a high priority placed on
            family" among Generation Xers. Those values
            often surprise employers trying to hire or transfer
            young workers, she adds.
            fragment, scatter
            and re-form in nontraditional patterns,
            grandchildren often find themselves caring for
            grandparents; that was the case among 59% of
            the Generation X caregivers surveyed.

            OTHER FACTORS: the AIDS epidemic and a
            trend toward adult children living with parents
            longer, says Leslie Faught of Working Solutions,
            Portland, Ore.

            Behind the statistics lie poignant stories of young
            caregivers even more isolated than their older
            counterparts. "If you're 21 or 22 and you're
            caring for somebody who is ill, how can your
            friends relate to you? They're starting careers,
            going to school, getting married, and you're tied
            to a bedpan," says Suzanne Mintz of the National
            Family Caregivers Association, Kensington, Md.

            In his 20s, Mr. LaVaccare missed the
            neighborhood basketball games and some of the
            dating his friends enjoyed. Though he was
            struggling to juggle care-giving with his
            demanding job, he didn't talk about his family role
            with co-workers. He became so immersed in it
            that he nearly lost his sense of self.

            Only after he began using the resources atAlzheimer's
             Association, a national organization
            based in Chicago, did he understand "that I had
            my own life," he says. He attended a support
            group, where older caregivers encouraged him to
            meet his own needs. Now, as he completes
            medical school at University of Chicago, he says
            he's glad he realized "a terminal illness isn't a
            good focal point for your life at age 23."

            Of all caregivers, the under-36 age group are the
            most likely to be depressed, says Lynn Friss
            Feinberg of the Family Caregivers Alliance, a
            nonprofit resource group in San Francisco.
            Among the caregivers the Alliance has helped,
            more Generation Xers than any other group
            needed additional medical care themselves and
            25% had to quit jobs to provide care.

            Heather Urban, 28, an administrative assistant for
            a Boston nonprofit concern, was ready to
            interview for higher-paying jobs when her father,
            a 61-year-old widower, had a disabling stroke. To
            keep him out of a government-funded nursing
            home, she quit her job and moved to California to
            care for him.

            AFTER SHE brought her father home from thehospital, he grew
             depressed and began waking
            her up repeatedly through the night for help.
            Exhausted, "I started to just go mental," says Ms.
            Urban. "I was crying all the time."

            Her father's doctor intervened, treating him for
            depression and insisting she spend at least an
            hour a day away from the house. She joined a
            swim class and a theater group. But she has
            given up dating. The men she knows "really
            weren't accepting of my situation," she says. She
            still misses the camaraderie of co-workers at her
            job; "I miss feeling like there's some reason for
            me to be, besides Dad."

            Other Generation X caregivers must cut back at
            work at a time when they would like to go all-out
            for career. Helen Wong, 24, was working
            overtime at an environmental-cleanup company
            and hoping to land a job as a government auditor
            when her father had a stroke. Ms. Wong, who
            lives at her parents' home, was so swamped by
            insurance paperwork and helping her father that
            she cut back overtime.

            When she got the job offer she had hoped for,
            she hesitated. It required travel. "What if
            something happens when I'm gone?" she worried.
            She took it, but schedules her days so tightly tha
            she has no time for herself. On business trips,
            she calls home daily and keeps lists of "10,000
            things" to do when she returns.

            Ms. Wong sometimes yearns for a more carefree
            lifestyle. But she finds her parents' plight
            heartbreaking, she says. "People say to me,
            'Why don't you just move out?' But if I did, I
            wouldn't have peace of mind."