

There was a posting several days ago about several publications by
Sandyk about electro-magnetic therapy in PD.  This was discussed
back in Dec. '95 (oh, for access to the archives!) Two postings that
I copied:  From Joan Dykstra  [log in to unmask]
"I read an abstract of this Sandyk study.  He was using picoTesla
range magnetic fields for extracranial treatment......I was so
excited by the reported results that I call the NeuroCommunication
Research Laboratories in Danbury, Ct where the studies were carried
out.  (That was a few months ago.) They reported to me that Sandyk
was no longer associated with the Laboratories and they refused to
discuss any of his studies.  I couldn't even get a comment out of
them. They gave me an address where I could contact Sandyk. (PO Box)
I wrote to him.  Never got a reply. It all seemed like there was
something a little untrustworthy going on.  If anyone wants to
pursue it I will try and dig up the references and address."
Second posting from Bernie Bessette <[log in to unmask]>
Someone might be interested in contacting:
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Florida State Univ.  1800 E. Paul Dirac Dr.  B-223
Tallahassee, FL  32306    Director: Mr. Jack Crow
phone: 904-644-0311     fax 904-644-0867
This lab does extensive research on the physiological effects of
magnetism which is directly related to EMF."