

1?r digested proteins. (NOTE: The Ldopa competition is with the other amino acids from the digested proteins, not with the proteins themselves.)  If we limit our protein intake to 200 grams and our intake of Ldopa is 1 gram (or 1000 milligrams), the competition for transport is pretty intense.  Carbidopa retards the conversion of Ldopa (and other amino acids) to dopamine (and other amines) in the blood before the Ldopa is transferred through the blood-brain barrier to our brain.

The odds for the desired transfer are somewhat improved from this pessimistic scenario because there are more than 20 different amino acids derived from digested protein and all of these molecules are not competing for the same "carriers".  Also, not all proteins are digested to their amino acids immediately in the digestive tract.  The native or simple proteins are quite large molecules, with molecular weights from 15600 for cytochrome C from beef heart to 140000 for serum globulin from human blood -- almost an order of magnitude.  There are about 700 amino acid molecules per molecule of cattle hemoglobulin and 350 amino acid molecules per molecule of egg albumin, as proteins of possible interest to us.  Native (or simple) proteins hydrolyze directly to the amino acids and/or their derivatives.  Conjugated proteins are chemical compounds made up of proteins and other chemical groups.  We all know the current level of interest in lipoproteins containing lipids such cholesterol, for example.  Derived proteins are obtained from the incomplete hydrolysis of proteins by heat or acids or bases.

As Parkies know, Ldopa can reach the brain easily within 30 minutes(often less) if it is taken on an empty stomach with orange juice souped up with a bit of ascorbic acid(VitaminC).  Taken with some proteins, the Ldopa doesn't stand a chance.  It remains for us to examine the myriad of proteins and their amino acids and their digestion times and conditions so that we ingest sufficient quantities of the essential amino acids and proteins with minimum disturbance of our Ldopa transfer through the blood-brain barrier.

More on proteins and their properties soon.  I plan to send this through in segments to increase the probability of successful uploading to our list.  Then we can speculate on possible menus.

Patrick J. Martin<73121,[log in to unmask]>
69,9  6 years medicating.
ins and their properties soon.  I plan to send