

Keith wrote "I feel like we're moving in a direction we don't
want to go in, but someone else is driving and we don't have a choice."-
what an incredibly true image.
Our fears as children of aging folks with Parkinsons brings up so many
family issues, some of which I myself personally had just thought I was
getting a hold on, but now that Parkinsons has joined the family and had
its 10th birthday for my mother, the pain, compassion, tensions, fears are
I only know one thing right now and that is that even tho others may not do
things the way i might hope or want, that is how it is and i must take care
of myself, while giving support in what ways are possible.
It seems to be a constant readjustment as far as what those ways are.
Family counseling can be a wonderful thing, but if the family will not
participate, we can at the least get help for ourselves. If I am stronger I
will be able to offer more and deal with more.