

>Several days ago there were questions and suggestions about insurance
>for long term care....especially refusal of insurance because of PD.
>I wrote to TIAA-CREF (BIG pension plan for teachers) for their
>application for Long Term Care for Teachers.  One of the questions
>asked if you had any neurological problems and specifically mentioned
>ALS; PD; stroke and MS.  As soon as I saw that question I pitched the
>application in the waste basket..... With the number of former faculty
>members on this list::::have any of you been OKed for long term care
>by TIAA after being diagnosed with PD?  Should I retrieve the applicatio
>from the waste basket?   Margaret Mates
Isn't that some form of discrimination?  Retrieve it from the wastebasket
and fill it out and send it in please---see if they have enough nerve to turn
you down.
In the meantime we can research this!!!
Blessings to all,
Marjorie L. Moorefield
just another librarain
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