

Well, I guess it's time for me to take a virgin visit to techno-space, and
start sharing my perspective.  My husband Pete has been my link with the
Parkinson's Digest  for the last 10 months. This daily inflow has changed
our way of dealing with Parkinson's. It has given us a lot of information
to mull over and discuss in ways that have improved our communication. For
Pete the task provides a means for checking in on what's happenng without
hovering and keeps him from feeling guilty for the time he spends persuing
his computer passion. For both of us, it gives us a sense of fellowship
with the others,  patients, care-ers, families, docs and friends, who are
out there dealing as best they can. So over the next days or weeks I'll
send along questions, possible remedies, thougths in the night.

Ginny Morgan
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