


My mom has PSP and has had it for about 10 years, incorrectly diagnosed as PD
for several of those first years.  I don't know what to tell you about your
mom and her behavior.  My mom does have some mental decline such as not
remembering, not listening, trouble understanding, etc., but nothing to the
degree of what you describe, at least not yet.

I will be going off AOL as of 5/31/96, but would like to hear from you snail
mail and maybe we can support each other as our mom's are going through the
same disease.  Don't see too much on PSP around.

My name is Cathy May, P O Box 6482, Jackson, Michigan 49204-6482.

I won't sign off AOL until 5/31 in the evening, so if you want to email me
before that or just write me snail mail when you have time, I'd like to help.
