

Chris Rohleder wrote:
> I require info on Amantadine and Cabergoline for my father.
> Properties, side effects and recent positive results, etc.
> His medication comprises of Sinemet, Endepryl and Cabergoline.
> Can anyone please help with some info?

List members,
For those of you who have access to America Online, Consumer Reports has
a very nice drug database. At the top bar click "Go To" then "Keyword"
then type in "Health Resources". The screen that appears will have a
green icon that says "Over 9000 drugs in the Consumer Reports Drug

Unfortunately, while you can print out information on a given drug, you
cannot download it, so I'm not able to transmit all the information (ten
pages).  In brief, though, Mr. Rohleder:
-tell doc if any allergic reaction to amant. or if allergic to foods
preservatives, or dyes.
-elderly people are especially sensitive to effects of amant.
Confusion,difficult urination, blurred vision, constipation & dry mouth,
nose, & throat especially likely.
Possible interactions w/amphetamines, diet pills, caffeine,
chlophedianol (Ulone), cocaine, medicine for asthma or other breathing
problems, colds, sinus problems, hay fever, allergies, Ritalin, Cesamet,
pemoline -- may increase chance of nervousness, irritability, trouble
sleeping, seizures, irregular heartbeat.
Use of amant. w/anticholinergics may increase chance of blurred vision,
dry mouth, confusion, hallucinations, nightmares.

Other medical problems:
May cause or worsen eczema; may increase frequency of epileptic seizures
in pts w/epilepsy.
Tell doc. if problems w/heart disease or other circulation problems.
May increase chance of swelling of feet/ankles, may worsen heart disease
or circulation problems.
If kidney disease, patient may need lower dose of amant.
High doses may cause confusion, hallucinations,nightmares

With Parkinson's Disease: Take exactly as directed by doctor; do not
skip doses or take any extra doses. Improvement usually occurs in about
2 days, but may take up to 2 weeks before full benefit is seen.
For older adults: 100 mg one or two times
a day to start, may be increased slowly over time if needed

Do not drink alcoholic beverages while taking amant. Do not overdo
physical activities.

There's much more, but I think those are probably the main points. I
recommend you find a good drug reference, though, and photocopy the
appropriate pages. Especially if your father is over age 60.

Best regards,
Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Spotlight on Food--nutrition news for people 60-plus"
Tel: 970-493-6532   Fax: 970-493-6538
Contact  Better Business Bureau of the Mountain States,
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