

        Joy Brady said ---

"                               Now the gastrointestinal surgeon is suggesti
" a colostomy, as both a preventative measure and a method of dealing with t
" severe constipation Dad suffers from at times. Any comments on experiences
" with such a treatment coupled with Parkinson's would be most appreciated.

        Ed Partridge replies ---

Following an operation for a colon cancer, I had an ileostomy (off of
the small intestine, instead of a colostomy off of the colon) for three
months. Then they connected me back up, which was a great relief.
Believe me, the old fashioned way is best.

A stoma is a damned nuisance, to put it mildly. It would be increasingly
difficult for your father to deal with it as he ages and his PD
progresses. There have to be other less drastic measures.

                     Cheers --- ED

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