

Frances.... I have developed a similar problem, tho also have noticed within
the past 6 months or so that I often run out of  breath while speaking.  Feels
as tho I didn' t take as deep a breath as I began a sentance, and kind hafta
gulp a bit more air to complete the sentance.  This isn't an all-day-every-day
problem, but it IS frequent enough for me to be conscious of it.  The "tight
band feeling" is part-time also, and usually when I recline or sit.

Barb Mallut,
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From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Frances Armstrong
Sent:   Tuesday, June 04, 1996 7:36 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Newbie & breathing problems

I'd also be interested in information about breathing problems associated
with Parkinson's.  In my case it's not a matter of shortness of breath,
but a feeling that the muscles needed to breathe are cramped, like a
tight band around the lower ribs.  This only happens when I'm sitting,
standing or lying down, never during vigorous exercise.  It usually
happens about three hours after taking a Sinemet 100/25 pill, and is much
worse, and lasts longer, if I take a Sinemet 200/50 CR.

Frances Armstrong
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