

Please realize this is a laymans understanding of what several pallidotomy
centers consider.
 1. Idiopathic(typical) Parkinson"s Disease for several years.
 2. Initial response and still some response to levodopa.
 3. Sthe ablity to walk in on state.
 4. Adequate health with no severe low blood preesure, or other major
problems(respiratory problems would be a possible problem.)
 5. No Dementia
To this I think you should consider  --- Are you ready for Surgery?Are your
symptoms significatant enough  that they are almost unbearable/ If you wait,
will your health be good enough to have surgery at a later date?  The longer
you wait, the more will, be known about PD and surgery.  Newer procedures
such a s stimuation will be developed and improve. Are you symptoms the
symptoms surgery will help?

When it is time for surgery for you, go ahead. Have the surgery.  Several
centers now have the skills and experience to do it.  If you are a proper
candidate for surgery, you can expect a tremendous improvement in your daily

Don Connell
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