

The following Representatives need to be asked to co-sponsor the Udall bill.
 If they are not from your district or your state it doesn't matter.    Just
say, "Please co-sponsor the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research and
Education act H.R.1462"   Tell them their votes effect all US citizens and we
need their help. If you tell how Parkinson's has personally effected you it
may help.
You can Use the FREE 800 number for all of them!   Call  800-962-3524

Wayne Allard R-CO ph 202-225-4676  fx 220-225-8630
email none

Bill Archer R-TX  ph 202-225-2571  fx 202-225-4381
email none

Richard Armey R-TX  ph 202-225-7772  fx 202-225-7614
email none

Spencer Bachus (R-AL ph 202-225-4921  fx 202-225-2082
email [log in to unmask]

Scotty Baesler (D-KY)  ph 202-225-4706  fx 202-225-2122
email  NONE

Richard Baker (R-LA)  ph 202-225-3901  fx 202-225-7313
email  NONE

Cass Ballenger (R-NC)   ph 202-225-2576  fx 202-225-0316
email  [log in to unmask]

James Barcia (D-MI)  ph 202-225-8171  fx 202-225-2944
email  NONE

Bob Barr (R-GA) ph 202-225-2931  fx 202-225-2944
email NONE

Bill Barrett (R-NE) ph 2302-225-6435  fx 202-225-0207
email  NONE

Thomas Barrett (D-WI)  ph 202-225-3571  fx 202-225-2185
email  [log in to unmask]

Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD)  ph 202-225-2721  fx 202-225-2193
email  NONE

Joe Barton (R-TX)  ph 202-225-2002  fx 202-225-3052
email  [log in to unmask]

Charles Bass (R-NH) ph 202-225-5206  fx 202-225-2946
email  [log in to unmask]

Herbert Bateman (R-VA)  ph 202-225-4261  fx 202-225-4382
email  NONE

Xavier Becerra (D-CA)  ph 202-225-6235  fx 202-225-2202
email  NONE

Brian Bilbray  (R-CA)  ph 202-225-2040  fx 202-225-2948

Michael Bilirakis (R-FL  ph 202-225-5755  fx 202-225-4085
email  [log in to unmask]

Thomas Bliley (R-VA)  ph 202-225-2815  fx 202-225-0011
email  NONE

Peter Blute (R-MA) ph 202-225-6101  fx 202-225-2217
email  NONE

John Boehner (R-OH)  ph 202-225-6205  fx 202-225-0704
email  NONE

Henry Bonilla (R-TX)  ph 202-225-4511  fx 202-225-2237
email  NONE

David Bonior (D-MI)  ph 202-225-2106  fx 202-226-1169
email  NONE

Sunny Bono (R-CA) ph 202-225-5330  fx 202-225-2961
email  NONE

Bill Brewster (D-OK)  ph 202-225-4565  fx 202-225-9029
email  NONE

George Brown  (D-CA)  ph 202-225-6161  fx 202-225-8671
email  [log in to unmask]

Sam Brownback  (R-KS) ph 202-225-6601  fx 202-225-2983
email  [log in to unmask]

Ed Bryant (R-TN)  ph 202-225-2811  fx 202-225-2989
email  NONE

Jim Bunning  (R-KY)  ph 202-225-3465  fx 202-225-0003
email  [log in to unmask]

Richard Burr (R-NC)  ph 202-225-2071  fx  202-225-2995
email  [log in to unmask] GOV

Dan Burton  (R-IN)  ph 202-225-2276  fx 202-225-00166
email NONE

Steve Buyer (R-IN)  ph 202-225-5037  fx none
email NONE

Ken Calvert  (R-CA) ph 202-225-1986  fx 202-225-2004
email NONE

Dave Camp (R-MI) ph 202-225-3561  fx 202-225-9679
email [log in to unmask]

Charles Canady (R-FL)  ph 202-225-1252  fx 202-225-2279
email  [log in to unmask]

Michael Castle  (R-DE)  ph 202-225-4165  fx 202-225-2719
email  [log in to unmask]

Steve Chabot  (R-OH)  ph 202-225-2216  fx 202-225-3012
email NONE

Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)  ph 202-225-6531  fx 202-225-3013
email  [log in to unmask]

Helen Chenoweth (R-ID)  ph 202-225-6611  fx 202-225-3029
email  [log in to unmask]

John Christensen  (R-NE)  ph 202-225-4155  fx 202-225-3032
email  NONE

Dick Chrysler  (R-MI)  ph 202-225-4872  fx 202-225-3034
email  [log in to unmask]

Eva Clayton  (D-NC)  ph 202-225-3101  fx 202-225-3354
email NONE

James Clyburn  (D-SC)  ph 202-225-3315  fx 202-225-2313
email [log in to unmask]

Howard Coble  (R-NC)  ph 202-225-3065  fx 202-225-8611
email  NONE

Ronald Coleman  (D-TX)  ph 202-225-4831  fx 202-225-4825
email  NONE

Barebara-Rose Collins (D-MI) ph 202-225-2261  fx 202-225-6645
email NONE

Cardiss Collins  (D-IL)  ph 202-225-5006  fx 202-225-8396
email NONE

Michael (Mac) Collins (R-GA)  ph 202-225-5901  fx 202-225-2515
email  [log in to unmask]

Larry Combest (R-TX)  ph 202-225-4005  fx 202-225-9615
email NONE

John Conyers JR. (D-MI)  ph 202-225-5126  fx 202-225-0072
email [log in to unmask]

Wes Cooley  (R-OR)  ph 202-225-6730  fx 202-225-3046
email NONE

Jerry Costello (D-IL)  ph 202-225-5661  fx 202-225-0285
email [log in to unmask]

Christopher Cox (R-CA) ph 202-225-5611  fx 202-225-9177
email [log in to unmask]

Philip Crane (R-IL)  ph 202-225-3711  fx 202-225-7830
email NONE

Michael Crapo (R-ID)  ph 202-225-5531  fx 202-225-8216
email  NONE

Frank Cremeans (R-OH) ph202-225-5705  fx 202-225-3054
email NONE

Barbara Cubin  (R-WY)  ph 202-225-2311  fx 202-225-3057
email NONE

Randy Cunningham  (R-CA)  ph 202-225-5452   fx 202-225-2558
email  NONE

Ms. Pat Danner (D-MO)  ph 202-225-7041  fx 202-225-8221
email NONE

E. Kika de la Garza (D-TX)  ph 202-225-2531  fx 202-225-2534
email NONE

Thomas DeLay (R-TX)  ph 202-225-5951  fx 202-225-5241
email NONE

Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL)  ph 202-225-4211  fx 202-225-8576
email  NONE

Jay Dickey (R-AR)  ph 202-225-3772  fx 202-225-1314
email  [log in to unmask]

Norman Dicks (D-WA)  ph 202-225-5916  fx 202-226-1176
email  NONE

Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) ph 202-225-4865  fx 202-225-3073
email  [log in to unmask]

John Doolittle  (R-CA) ph 202-225-2511  fx 202-225-5444
email  NONE

Robert Dornan (R-CA) ph 202-225-2965  fx 202-225-2762
email  NONE

David Dreier (R-CA) ph 202-225-2305 fx 202-225-6440
email  NONE

John Duncan (R-TN) ph 202-225-5435  fx 202-225-6440
email  NONE

Jennifer Dunn (R-WA) ph 202-225-7761  fx 202-225-8673
email  [log in to unmask]

Chet Edwards (D-TX)ph 202-225-6105  fx 202-225-0350
email  NONE

Robert Ehrlich (R-MD)  ph 202-225-3061  fx  202-225-3094
email  [log in to unmask]

Bill Emerson  (R-MO)  ph 202-225-4404  fx 202-225-9621
email  [log in to unmask]

John Ensign (R-NV)  ph 202-225-5965  fx 202-225-3119
email  [log in to unmask]

Terry Everett (R-Al)  ph 202-225-2901  fx 202-225-8071
email  [log in to unmask]

Thomas Ewing (R-IL)  ph 202-225-2371  fx 202-225-8071
email  NONE

Chaka Fattah (D-PA)  ph 202-225-4001  fx 202-225-3127
email  NONE

Harris Fawell (R-IL) ph 202-225-3515  fx 202-225-9420
email  [log in to unmask]

Cleo Fields (D-LA) ph202-225-8490  fx 202-225-8959
email  NONE

Floyd Flake (D-NY)   ph202-225-3461  fx 202-226-4169
email  NONE

Mark Foley (R-FL)  ph 202-225-5792  fx 202-225-3132
email  NONE

Harold Ford (D-TN)  ph 202-225-3265  fx 202-225-9215
email  [log in to unmask]

Tillie Fowler (R-Fl)  ph 202-225-2501  fx 202-225-9318
email  NONE

Gary Franks (R-CT)  ph 202-225-3822  fx 202-225-5085
email  NONE

Robert (Bob) Franks (R-NJ) ph 202-225-5361  fx 202-225-9460
email  [log in to unmask]

David Funderburk  (R-NC)  202-225-4531  fx 202-225-3191
email  [log in to unmask]

Elizabeth Furse  (D-OR)  ph 202-225-0855  fx 202-225-9497
email  [log in to unmask]

Elton Gallegly (R-CA)  2ph 202-225-5811  fx 202-225-1100
email  NONE

Greg Ganske  (R-IA)  ph 202-225-4426  fx 202-225-3193
email  NONE

George Gekas  (R-PA)  ph 202-225-4315  fx 202-225- 8440
email  NONE

Richard Gephardt (D-MO)  ph 202-225-2671  fx 202-225-7452
email  [log in to unmask]

Pete Geren (D-TX)  ph 202-225-5071  fx 202-225-2786
email  [log in to unmask]

Sam Gibbons  (D-FL) ph 202-225-3376 fx 202-225-8016
email  NONE

Paul Gillmor (R-OH)  ph 202-225-6405  fx none
email  NONE

Newt Gingrich (R-GA) ph 202-225-4501  fx 202-225-4656
email  [log in to unmask]

Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)  ph 202-225-5431  fx 202-225-9681
email  [log in to unmask]

Porter Goss (R-FL)  ph 202-225-2536  fx 202-225-6820
email  NONE

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) ph 202-225-5301  fx 202-225-3216
email  NONE

Gene Green (D-TX)  ph  202-225-1688  fx  202-225-9903
email  [log in to unmask]

Steven Gunderson (R-WI)  ph 202-225-5506  fx 202-225-6195
email NONE

Gil Gutknecht (R-MN) ph 202-225-2472  fx 202-225-3246
email  [log in to unmask]

Tony Hall (D-OH)  ph 202-225-6465  fx 202-225-9272
email  NONE

Lee Hamilton (D-IN)  ph 202-225-5315  fx 202-225-1101
email  [log in to unmask]

Mel Hancock (R-MO) ph 202-225-6536  fx 202-225-7700
email NONE

James Hansen (R-UT)  ph202-225-0453  fx 202-225-5857
email  NONE

Jane Harman (D-CA) ph 202-225-8220  fx 202-226-0684
email  [log in to unmask]

Dennis Hastert (R-Il)  ph 202-225-2976  fx 202-225-0697
email  [log in to unmask]

Richard Hastings (R-VA)  ph 202-225-5816  fx 202-225-3251
email  NONE

James Hayes  (R-LA) ph202-225-2031  fx 202-225-1175
email  NONE

J.D.Hayworth  (R-AZ)  ph 202-225-2190  fx 202-225-3263
email  [log in to unmask]

Joel Hefley (R-CO) ph202-225-4422   fx 202-225-1942
email NONE

Bill Hefner (D-NC)  ph202-225-3715  fx 202-225-4036
email  NONE

Fred Heineman (R-NC)  ph 202-225-1784  fx 202-225-3269
email [log in to unmask]

Wally Herger  (R-CA)  ph 202-225-3076  fx 202-225-3272
email  NONE

Van Hilleary  (R-TN)  ph 202-225-6831  fx 202-225-3272
email  NONE

Pete Hoekstra  (R-MI)  ph 202-225-4401  fx 202-225-0779
email  [log in to unmask]

Martin Hoke  (R-OH)  ph202-225-5871  fx 202-225-0994
email [log in to unmask]

Steve Horn  (R-CA)  ph 202-225-6676  fx  202-226-1012
email  NONE

John Hostettler (R-IN)  ph 202-225-4636  fx 202-225-3284
email  [log in to unmask]

Amory Houghton (R-NY)  ph 202-225-3161  fx 202-225-5574
email  NONE

Steny Hoyer  (D-MD)  ph 202-225-4131  fx 202-225-4300
email  NONE

Duncan Hunter  (R-CA)  ph 202-225-5672  fx 202-225-0235
eamil  NONE

Tim Hutchinson  (R-AR)  ph 202-225-4301  fx none
email  [log in to unmask]

Henry Hyde  (R-IL)  ph 202-225-4561  fx 202-225-1166
email  NONE

Bob Inglis  (R-SC)  ph 202-225-6030  fx 202-226-1177
email  NONE

Ernest Istook  (R-OK)  ph 202-225-2132  fx 202-226-1463
email  [log in to unmask]

William Jefferson (D-LA)  ph 202-225-6636  fx 202-225-1988
email  NONE

Ms. Eddie Johnson (D-TX)  PH 202-225-8885  fx 202-226-1477
email  [log in to unmask]

Sam Johnson  (R-TX)  ph 202-225-4201  fx 202-225-1485
email  [log in to unmask]

Walter Jones Jr. (R-NC)  ph 202-225-3415  fx 202-225-3286
email  NONE

Patrick Kennedy  (D-RI)  ph 202-225-4911  fx 202-225-3290
email  NONE

Barbara Kennelly  (D-Ct)  ph 202-225 2265  fx 202-225-1031
email  NONE

Jay Kim (R-CA)  ph 202-225-3201  fx 202-226-1485
email NONE

Peter King (R-NY)  ph 202-225-7896  fx 202-226-2279
email [log in to unmask]

Jack Kingston  (R-GA)  ph 202-225-5831  fx  202-226-2269
email  NONE

Scott Klug  (R-WI)  ph 202-225-2906  fx 202-225-6942
email  [log in to unmask]

Joseph Knollenberg  (R-MI)  ph 202-225-5802  fx 202-226-2356
email  NONE

Ray LaHood  (R-IL)  ph 202-225-6201  fx 202-225-9249
email  NONE

Steve Largent  (R-OK)  ph 202-225-2211  fx 202-225-9187
email  NONE

Tom Latham  (R-IA)  ph 202-225-5476  fx 202-225-3301
email  NONE

Steven LaTourette (R-OH)  ph 202-225-5731  fx 202-225-3307
email  NONE

Greg Laughlin  (R-TX)  ph 202-225-2831  fx 202-225-1108
email  NONE

Rick Lazio  (R-NY)  ph 202-225-3335  fx 202-225-4669
eamil  [log in to unmask]

James Leach  (R-IA)  ph 202-225-6576  fx 202-225-1278
email NONE

Sander Levin  (D-MI) ph 202-225-4961  fx 202-226-1033
email  NONE

Jerry Lewis  (R-CA)  ph 202-225-5861  fx 202-226-6498
email  NONE

RON LEWIS (R-KY)  PH 202-225-3501  FX202-226-2019