

Houston Area Parkinson’s Society
Parkinson’s Action Network

The following article appeared in our local Texas newspaper today, The
Kingwood Observer

Kingwood couple hopeful for Parkinson's Disease cure

Pictured above ( not included on list server) Suppoters of Parkinson
Research are Bob Martone, U.S. Congressman Jack Fields and Nancy
Martone. Fields agreed to cosponsor the Parkinson Research, Education
and Assistance Act, HR 1462.

Through the efforts of the Houston Area Parkinson’s Society and the
Parkinson’s Action Network,  37 Senators and  154 Representatives have
agreed to cosponsor legislation designed to find a cure for Parkinson’s
Disease. After two years of hard work, letter writing campaigns and two
trips to Washington, a local Kingwood couple believes their efforts are
beginning to pay off. Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder
that strikes dopamine producing cells in the brain. Without these cells
the brain can not communicate to the rest of the body and eventually
results in immobility combined with uncontrolled tremors. According to
the Martone’s “its kind of like an automobile stuck in neutral with a
misfiring spark plug.” While Alzheimer’s strikes the cognitive parts of
the brain, Parkinson’s Disease (PD) strikes the motor skills.

If this bill, known as the Udall Bill (named after Morris K. Udall
former Arizona congressman who has been incapacitated by the disease)
is approved this summer, Parkinson’s research will get a much needed
boost of $100 million per year for five years. Scientists now believe
that a cure is on the horizon not in 2020 or 2050 but by the year 2000.
The disease typically strikes between the ages of 57 and 61. Mrs.
Martone was afflicted at age 30.

The economic case for this bill is compelling says Mr. Martone.
According to Ole Isacson Director of the Neuroregeneration Laboratory
at Harvard Medical School. PD is estimated to cost society as much as
$26 billion per year in medical bills, and lost wages. With 1.5 million
Americans estimated to be afflicted and with the baby boomer generation
about to reach the age when PD typically strikes, there is a tremendous
incentive to pass this bill. PD strikes someone in the U.S. every 10
minutes says Mr. Martone and we still do not know the cause of this
terrible disease. With the appropriation of these funds PD will receive
$100 per person afflicted. This compares to AIDS at  $1,069, Cancer at
$295 and Multiple Sclerosis at $158.

For more information about the Udall Bill call 713-358-5168 or 1-800-

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