

margaret - Thanks - I'm goint ot try this today.  I'm new to this list
and did not know if I was to send to all or not - sorry if that is
wrong.  I'm hoping that this manual will give me information for my
research paper at Clark College.  My father is 78 and has PD - he is in a
nursing home and is no longer mobil and can't talk due to the disease.
We have no idea what he is going through inside.  It is very stressful
for me, because I know that he does not want to be like this and asked
me to help him die, at that time he was drifting in and out of reality,
due to the medicine, so I didn't think there was anything that I could do
about his request, and now he is unable to speak.  It is awful,  please
anyone who reads this, have your loved ones document what kind of
treatment they want if they become disabled and give power of attorney to
a trusted one.  We didn't have my father do either when he was
capable, or we may have been able to save what was or is left of his

Thanks - Bette

    /////                                              Name: Bette Ford
    ~O^O~                                     Message Phone: (360) 694-6981
     <                                       E-mail Address: [log in to unmask]
 Bad Hair Day
