

I can't remember who mentioned the trip we are all on and how we can't get
out of the car but I've been thinking about it lately.
There I was, hurtling along the countryside, enjoying the view, racing around
corners, planning the next turn, the next trip, the next destination.  I
could expect anything but could have some say so on certain decisions, on
what I could change and when I could make things happen.  I could get out of
that car and go another day or go another place or not even go at all.
Now,  I'm on a trip I never thought of.  A journey not of my choosing.  I'm
in a conveyance, my own body - that is carrying me towards a place I don't
want to go.
I want to go back.  This is not a pleasure trip.  This is scary and I want
out.  The doors won't open and the time goes by too quickly.  The scenery
really goes by fast now but there's no going back and there's no getting out.

Parkinson's Disease is driving now.  Sometimes it's a shakey trip, sometimes
it's unsteady.  It makes me stare blankly and unfeeling but the feelings are
there.  Does it make any difference how I got in this PD car, how I got on
this ride, why I can't stop this trip?
I guess I'll keep riding till I crash.  Maybe I'll stop in a new town of hope
and new developments.  Maybe I'll even get the window down to say hello to
some new friends.
 I wonder how long the drive will be,  who will be driving with me, who'll go
along for the ride, and who will say goodbye, have a nice trip.
Well those are some of my cheery thoughts of the ride nobody wanted to take
and nobody chose to go on.  Any additions on your own personal journey are
welcome.  I've just been thinking about this lately and had to write some
things down.
