

>-- I am writing on behalf of a friend who is not quite up to speed
>concerning email.  He has been diagnosed as having Parkinsons for some
>5 or 6 years, and, to some degree out of desperation, is looking for
>information about Pallidotomy operations, especially those done in
>Toronto at Western Hospital.  Can anyone give us news about this
>matter?  Thanks -- Jack Canfield
>[log in to unmask]

        The Toronto Western Hospital,  is in my opinion one of the world
The surgical team comprises of Dr.Lozanno and Dr.Tazker. The  of the
movement disorder
clinic is Headed By Dr.Anthony Lang. There is many others also involved.
          If you require any additional information please either contact my
self and I will
find out for you. Or you can speak directly to Dr. Langs  Office at 416 603 6422
 A great person to speak to is Dr. langs assistants Mrs. Jan Duff She
arranges the Pallidotomy
