

Thought I would share Senator Hutchison's response to our visit to
Washington. It's a start but she has not agreed to cosponsor yet. I
talked to Shelby her health aide and to the Senator's scheduler. They
seemed surprised that I am coming back to push even harder. Shelby
wanted to know where I proposed the funding come from. I suggested
defense spending and she said no way. For clarification I did call Sue
Heldick  of Senator Hatfields office and she confirmed that this is a
request for additional funding not a reallocation of existing funds in
NIH. Wish me luck and please write to this Senator even if you are not
from Texas.

 By the way I am scheduling 21 Texas congressman and both Senators
during June 18-20. Nancy will not make this trip because it will be too
strenuous. But she will be there in spirit. I will be arriving in DC
around 2pm on the 17th.

Text from the letter follows:

Dear Robert,

Thank you for contacting me supporting legislation on Parkinson's
disease research and for bringing Nancy with you on your trip to
Washington. I appreciate your expression of what you have been through
with this disease.

I recognize the importance of research for Parkinson's victims and
their families and I am a strong supporter of medical research into
this illness. Like you, I believe that the costs of health care can be
contained over the long run by investing in quality research and other
efforts to find cures for the "incurable" diseases. I recognize the
importance of research for Parkinson's victims and their families.

The Morrris K. Udall Parkinson's Research, Education and assistance Act
(S.684) which is presently in the Labor and Human resources committee
does just that. Please be assured that I will do all I can to support
passage of this essential legislation.

Thank you again for your correspondence. I hope you will not hesitate
to contact me again on any issue of importance to you in the future.

Kay Bailey Hutchison