

Greg Danton writes:

 My main questoin: Is there anybody else out there taking "LIQUID DEPRENYL? If
so what have your results been?

I ran the gauntlet to obtain liquid deprenyl, and have a bottle of the
precious drops in the fridge. I will offer up my observations, but keep in
perspective my penchant for an interrupted sleep cycle. Really good placebos
have been known to cause me sleep stress  ;-)

My first reaction to the first 5mgs I took was that it was MUCH more
bio-available than the pills, I could feel the drug kicking in, and after
almost 3 years on Eldepryl pills, I never felt the effects of those. I was
not successful keeping the suggested schedule of medication (5 mgs
twice/day) for the first week, I couldn't get home at lunch to take it, but
I still noticed that my carefully engineered sleep schedule of about 7
hrs/day was dropping back to the 6 hrs/day range. When I finally managed to
take it properly, I promptly returned to my former charming schedule of 4-5
hrs of sleep/night and all &%#$ broke loose in my family. I guess it's hard
having a psycho loose in the house all night.

Re: effect on other meds, the 10 mgs seemed to be extending the sinemet to
about 4+ hrs, I usually only get 3 hrs from a 25/100. I felt greater ease of
movement, and pretty good considering the lack of rest. Couldn't take the
strain on the family or my body though, so I cut back to 4 mgs in the AM
only, and remain there. Too soon to really evaluate, it took me months to
get stable on NADH, never could hack permax,etc....

I'm not sure if I would order again, will decide in a week or so. During one
of my all-nighters I dropped in on a life extension newsgroup that was
involved in a robust discussion of the benefits (or lack of) of
eldepryl/deprenyl. Although there was a lot of disagreement, there seemed to
be a strongly held belief that it was overrated, and a few expressed concern
for the poor parkies who were being exploited by the pharmaceutical co's and
the "Smart groups" like Life Extension and CERI....

Kathie Tollifson
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