


Nice to hear you are doing better.  Remember, this time after surgery is a
mental and physicial roller coaster.  If you could go back to the time
following my pallidotomy, I wrote plenty about this period.  Now I see others
giving you advice using similar words and prognosis.   Many of us have gained
weight following the pallidotomy. Some of us needed it where some didn't.

Medication adjustment is normally necessary after about 4 weeks.  Adjustments
can mean increases as well as decreases.  In my case I was on infusion of
liquid Sinemet at the time which included Permax.  I found no change in the
infusion rate.  What I did find was I needed a stronger kick start first
thing in the morning.  The reason for this was, I was unable to feel the
drugs hit me as before the surgery. Before surgery I needed enough drugs to
climb over a wall into the therapeutic window.  After surgery I was, and
still am somewhat, unable to find this wall.  The net is a need to start with
a bigger kick.  Others have told me they have increased the kick start such
that they start to have some "movement".  I did  this for about a year and
now have a kick start slightly lower that works for me.  I worked with my
doctor on adding new or removing existing drugs.  I did adjustments myself
until I had it down.  But than you know what happens just when you think
everything is working right - the damm disease changes and it's time to start
all over again.

Alan Bonander