

We have been told LEF (Life Extension Foundation) is obtaining the new NADH
from an 'unknown' source in Europe and the content/results are 'unstable'.
There is some type of 'war' i.e. lawsuit for breaking a patent, going on
between Menuco (original mfrgs of NADH) and LEF; according to Menuco a
number of products sold by LEF are being investigated. Well, who knows
what's going on; afterall, if Menuco says LEF's products are questionable,
it's apparent to me that Menuco might very well have a  vested interest in
seeing LEF fail since they're (LEF) now purchasing the NADH from someone
else. Could be a 'War of the Roses'.....
Here's my question: if any of you are currently taking the new, lower-priced
NADH from LEF I'd like to know if you have noticed any change in your
symptons or results compared to the old NADH? We can't argue with the better
price but we'll wait to hear from you before we order the 'new NADH'.
Best Regards, Lisa Carper (for Jeff 45/7)
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