

                                 RTK.NET Mail 163937   Jun 12 13:59:11 1996

At PAN lobbying days, even ones as successful as the May forum, we usually
have more potential appointment slots than we actually fill.  A large number
of the people coming to D.C. next week already have some lobbying experience
and could split into smaller groups if there were more appointments for them
to go to.  When I had the flu earlier this week, a fabulous friend offered
to make some appointment calls for me.  If some of you who haven't been
able to schedule appointments with your own legislators or their staffs
would call them and make an appointment for them to meet with members of the
PAN lobby on June 18 or 19, preferably in the afternoons, but we'll make it
any time.  Make the appointment with the legislator herself or himself, if
possible, but with a staffer otherwise.  If the legislator has specific
concerns with the Udall bill, please get that information to someone going
to the forum as well.

If you are a constituent, you may be able to schedule an appointment this
way that we would not be able to get otherwise.

Sherri Cave
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